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【font:big normal small2017-11-09 16:33source: bt36365最快线路检测


       Luocheng is the only Melao Autonomous Countyin China, it has a population of 370,000, of which Melao accounts for 120,000, it is 80 percent of the total melao population in China. It’sa place where singing fairy Liu Sanjie was born and the best honest officer Yu Chenglong’s first worked, it’s the hometown of Chinese wild grapes. Melao folkway is pure and simple, the folk customs is full of variety, especially the zoupo Singing Folk Songs (Climbing the slope, singing the folk songs) Bamboo Balls. Zongba Scrambing is very representative. The Melao Yifan festival is simple, unsophisticated, mysterious and rich in the national original ecological culture. It’s listed on the list of the First National Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection.