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Xiao Changan town

【font:big normal small2017-11-07 12:38source: bt36365最快线路检测

Xiao Changan town

Xiao Changan town is located in the northeast of Luocheng Mulao Autonomous County, at the junction of East and Rongshui Miao Autonomous County town of harmony, is Gu Zhai Xiang Liucheng county and the South Bridge, west of the county and the East Town, gold, bordering the north and Rongshui Miao Autonomous County town of Yongle township. The adjacent seat of government from the county town 22 kilometers. The town under the jurisdiction of 1 communities, 11 village, 134 natural villages, 250 villagers group.2003 the total population of 36158 people, 34523 agricultural population, non-agricultural population of 1635 people.

        Town a total area of 252 square kilometers of land, 55168 acres of arable land, 31275 acres of paddy fields, dry land 23893 acres, mainly in grain, sugarcane, fruits, Yamano Mo grapes, grass cattle supplemented. At present, the town area of 43 thousand and 300 acres of sugar cane, fruit area of 9750 acres, 1750 acres of wild grapes, forage planting 720 acres, mainly rely on the development of sugarcane, fruit, Yamano Mo grape, for the development of grass growing and cattle raising industry in agriculture. Wuyang River from west to East through the location of the town government, is the largest river in Luocheng County, abundant water resources. We are planning to build a water power station and Shibantan valley hydropower station. The fascinating scenic spots in Wuyang Ya Yi River, has become a good place for vacation. In the town of willow branch railway, highway and highway should be long floating Temple highway crossing, with a double Mongolia Luo Di train station, the train station, the train station was built in Niubi, the traffic is very Convenience.